The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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47 lines
Disk No: 1725
Disk Title: BSIM
PC-SIG Version: S1
Program Title: BSIM
Author Version: 1.00
Author Registration: $29.95
Special Requirements: CGA, EGA, HGA adapter.
BSIM is a program that college and high school biology instructors will
find especially interesting. For classrooms with PCs, BSIM can simulate
pseudoecological systems to be used as analogs to actual biological
systems. The model for the program is an aquatic ecosystem, but it is
intended that generalized features of this ecosystem be used to
conceptualize a broader range of ecosystems.
Providing basic subject matter is covered in class, the program provides
fun, illustrative learning reinforcement, and encourages mental
manipulation of conceptual elements well beyond calculation-phase
minutes. The $29.95 registration fee will net the user technical data
and program utilities to assist program analysis, and an experimenter's
manual for ten experiments.
BSIM allows sampling of stagnant and circulated flask environments open
or closed to oxygen and carbon-dioxide atmospheres, choice of light and
dark, depth, and choice of sample location according to grid.
Apparently, temperature and Ph are assumed constant and optimum.
Essentially, "pseudogenomes" are intended to be abstractions of real
organisms with morphology and physiology determined by 13 "mutable"
pseudogenome elements which can be set by the user. Organism metabolism
is intended to utilize a simplified carbon chemistry, and the organisms
are apparently capable of reproduction or reduction with sampling
possible at each generation. The program allows for new organisms or
"reseeding" of old ones at first generation, and a readout of solution
elements for the sample taken.
BSIM has a simple printer facility and easy menus.
System Requirements: CGA, EGA, HGA adaptor.
1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.